Saturday, August 21, 2010

Secret Behind Abundance - Will Your Charity Find It

The secret is, there is no hidden secret! It's a bit frustrating for some of us in the older generation to look at many of the younger generations searching for a secret that is not a secret at all. The more we tell them that there is no great secret behind abundance the more they believe that we are hiding something from them.

What does this have to do with philanthropy? Demographics!

There is more need and fewer givers. The big donor foundations, trusts and individuals are still available, however, there are more and more worthy causes competing for those dollars. And, the market that has the resources and wants to give to worthy causes is so busy looking for the secret behind abundance they don't have time to share the abundance that is everywhere. So let's put the secret thing to bed.

“There is no great secret.” The path to abundance has been discussed, written about and re-written about since we appeared on the planet. How do I know that there is not some great secret hidden in some government warehouse archive?

I came to feel that the way to leave behind something of value for others was to write something profound that would be remembered. I set out to find something profound to write about that would benefit people and that they might remember. I felt that by remembering what I wrote they might remember me as well. Basically the age old question – why am I here? I felt by leaving something of value for others I was justifying my existence.

I now know why I am here and it's not to write something profound in order to be remembered. However, in my search to find something profound that hadn't already been written I discovered something very interesting. Everything, related to you, me and all that is, has already been written, people are just re-hashing what was said and written centuries ago.

That said, how do you find the path to abundance? “If you believe it - it is so.” “Like attracts like.” “I know, I believe and it is so, that is the law of attraction.” “A belief is only a thought that we continue to think.” “One person has belief and is able to pass it on.” “All big things are started by one person, one believer.”

That's it. Think it; believe it; repeat it; allow it to happen.

Here are some reference materials that can help you: The Game of Life and How To Play it, As A Man Thinketh, The Gardener Touched with Genius, Think and Grow Rich, The Secret Life of Plants, The Magic of Believing.

What does this have to do with charitable giving and demographics? Charitable givers are being bombarded with requests for them to give. The industry, yes charitable giving is an industry, will tell you to identify previous donors, your market, and ask them to give more. This probably is still working for established charities and their aging gift givers. What about new worthy charities and new donors?

New donors! These are the generations of people looking for the secret behind abundance. These are the Internet generations who are not very trusting. You have to give them something different. You have to give them a basket of synergistic charities, abundance and the feeling of participation. New philanthropic foundations being put together by experienced successful business people, who want to give back, team up with like minded foundations, trusts, charities and individuals to attract new donors.

Let me use an example to show how this works. XanGo, a manufacturing and distribution company, creates a proprietary product which it gives to its charitable foundation. The foundation partners with Americares to insure that the product will reach the third world children it is intended for. The foundation offers a referral fee its distributor force to spread the word about the program.

XanGo distributors find charities and individuals who refer people to the program, for a referral fee. The charities that participate ask their existing donor list to refer others to the program. Why would a charity ask their existing donors to participate in another program? The charity gets a referral fee and access to “new” donors.

There you have it, the secret behind abundance; when you do good for others they will do good for you. If you want to learn more Contact Us.

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